Hi members,
There is growing concern amongst members and the hard working track maintenance crew that the track is getting destroyed by people using the track between race meetings. While we have always tried to keep the track open for members to use between race meetings it has got to the stage where the track requires significant rebuild before each meeting. This is not only costing the club heaps in equipment hire but more importantly it takes lots of time and effort by the small track maintenance crew.
The reality is that when you run on the track when it is bone dry the surface will break up very quickly and dig out.
To this end the committee has decided that during the next few dry months of summer we will close the track to general use by members and non-members between race meetings. What we will do instead is to have scheduled practice sessions mid week and on non race weekends where we will water the track to ensure that it does not break up and dig out. This way people get to practice on a mint track and we don’t have to rebuild the track every 2 weeks. We will have to charge a fee of $5 per driver to cover the cost of water and power. Each session will be about 2-4 hours and we will notify all members by txt and facebook.
Once the dry spell is over members will be allowed to use the track again.
Also – a reminder that there is to be no nitro cars on the track between 1/8th race meetings not even at practice sessions as this is what we have agreed with the landlords A&P.