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Alycat Meet
Alycat - Race Analysis
Registered to Counties Radio Controlled Car Club

Alycat Race Management System © 1987-2015 Alycat Software
Sunday, 12 November 2017

1/8 EP BUGGY A Main, Race 3

Duration: 10 min's+   Start Method: Heads Up Start   (Lap 1 counts as 1)    
Min'm Lap: 30 sec's   (1st lap=0 sec's)   Last Lap: 50 sec's   Race Run: 1:00 PM 12/11/2017

Pos ID# Name MbrNo Ranking Club Laps/Time Fastest Average Lap ** Consistency *** Comments
1st 4 Derek Crane 0 0 ARCCC 18/ 10m17.304s 32.773 34.339| 33.805| 33.441 0.79| 0.72| 0.65 Fastest Time of Day 1st
2nd 2 Jayden Chitty 0 0 Counties 18/ 10m23.465s 32.746 34.805| 33.704| 33.262 2.07| 1.16| 0.84 Personal Best 2nd
3rd 7 Jonathan Thompson 0 0 17/ 10m 5.476s 32.120 35.584| 33.544| 32.822 3.20| 2.43| 1.89 Personal Best 3rd
4th 5 Aaron Wharerau 0 0 Counties 17/ 10m19.638s 33.402 35.960| 34.101| 33.761 3.25| 2.67| 1.83 Personal Best 4th
5th 9 Jimmy Rodley 0 0 Counties 17/ 10m33.940s 34.656 37.098| 35.484| 34.939 2.43| 1.86| 1.58 Personal Best 5th
6th 0 Brian Lockwood 0 0 Counties 16/ 10m21.283s 33.965 38.791| 37.195| 36.083 2.66| 2.34| 2.22 Personal Best 6th
7th 6 Anton Hubers 0 0 Counties 15/ 8m27.383s 32.403 33.796| 33.180| 32.716 1.16| 0.98| 0.75 Personal Best 7th
8th 11 Russell Mahony 0 0 Counties 15/ 10m22.588s 35.427 41.682| 39.776| 37.520 3.75| 3.43| 3.13 Personal Best 8th
9th 12 Mark Houghton 0 0 ARCCC 14/ 8m58.537s 34.544 38.122| 36.426| 35.536 3.64| 2.11| 1.57 Personal Best 9th
10th 3 Jacob Black 0 0 Counties 13/ 7m47.137s 31.158 36.113| 34.884| 33.676 3.40| 2.40| 1.97 Personal Best 10th
11th 1 Shane Mangu 0 0 Nhrccc 1/ 0m45.092s 11th
12th 8 Roger Van Dorsten 0 0 1/ 1m 3.786s 12th
* Manual Adjustments
(No Manual Adjustments)
** Average laps: First item is all laps, second is average of driver's best 10, third is best 5.
*** Consistency: First item is all laps, second drops driver's worst lap, third drops 2 worst

Car Positions and Lap Times

Pos 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Lap Car 4 Car 2 Car 7 Car 5 Car 9 Car 0 Car 6 Car 11 Car 12 Car 3
1 2) 33.533 1) 31.778 5) 36.128 10) 44.278 8) 40.363 7) 39.407 4) 34.232 6) 39.030 9) 42.949 3) 33.780
2 2) 33.470 1) 33.678 5) 35.517 9) 34.488 7) 36.683 10) 41.428 4) 35.911 6) 35.427 8) 34.544 3) 34.842
3 2) 33.589 1) 34.284 5) 38.130 7) 34.194 6) 35.220 10) 39.370 4) 34.274 8) 41.080 9) 42.164 3) 34.761
4 1) 34.322 3) 41.730 5) 34.980 6) 33.990 7) 36.894 10) 41.047 2) 32.403 9) 40.796 8) 35.746 4) 39.489
5 1) 33.581 4) 37.582 3) 33.886 7) 40.705 5) 34.992 9) 37.031 2) 36.220 10) 45.811 8) 38.333 6) 44.425
6 1) 34.031 3) 34.456 4) 36.454 7) 34.681 5) 35.452 10) 44.028 2) 34.870 9) 37.290 8) 37.041 6) 34.442
7 1) 35.620 3) 32.746 4) 33.283 6) 33.545 5) 34.954 9) 36.429 2) 33.831 10) 42.951 8) 35.970 7) 35.004
8 1) 34.038 3) 33.314 4) 32.120 5) 34.055 6) 35.899 9) 33.965 2) 33.646 10) 37.604 8) 37.527 7) 34.827
9 1) 34.698 3) 35.168 4) 36.950 5) 35.262 7) 38.481 9) 36.539 2) 32.549 10) 48.060 8) 36.164 6) 33.826
10 2) 34.583 3) 33.595 4) 33.664 6) 42.919 7) 40.645 9) 37.333 1) 33.314 10) 43.256 8) 40.559 5) 40.087
11 2) 35.336 3) 32.978 4) 32.478 6) 33.813 7) 43.418 9) 41.604 1) 32.952 10) 42.077 8) 37.307 5) 36.302
12 2) 35.810 3) 34.074 4) 33.265 6) 34.325 7) 34.656 9) 36.817 1) 32.678 10) 46.865 8) 35.256 5) 34.194
13 2) 32.773 3) 36.103 4) 37.353 6) 34.520 7) 39.457 9) 36.665 1) 32.999 10) 39.491 8) 36.376 5) 31.158
14 2) 34.605 3) 34.154 4) 41.047 5) 33.402 6) 34.962 8) 41.815 1) 34.347 9) 37.790 7) 48.601
15 2) 35.060 3) 34.254 4) 33.170 5) 34.714 6) 38.170 7) 39.703 1) 33.157 8) 45.060
16 1) 33.918 2) 35.115 3) 33.078 4) 43.580 5) 38.563 6) 38.102
17 1) 33.795 2) 34.486 3) 43.973 4) 37.167 5) 35.131
18 1) 34.542 2) 33.970
Pos 11th 12th 13th
Lap Car 1 Car 8
1 11) 45.092 12) 63.786

=Best Lap (excluding first lap)
=force started

Recorded Laps
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 4 3 6 -1 7 11 10 9 -1 12 5 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 8 2 -1 4 8 3 6 -1 7 11 -1 9 12 5 10 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 4 -1 3 6 -1 7 -1 9 5 11 -1 12 10 -1 -1 -1 4 -1 6 2 -1 3 7 5 -1 9 -1 12 11 -1 10 -1 -1 4 -1 6
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o m o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
-1 7 2 -1 9 3 -1 5 -1 12 -1 10 11 -1 4 -1 6 -1 2 7 -1 9 3 5 -1 -1 12 -1 -1 4 11 6 10 -1 2 -1 7 -1 9 5 3 -1 -1 12 -1 4 -1 6 -1 10 2 7 11 -1 -1 5 9 3 -1 -1 -1 12 4 6 -1 10 -1 2 7 -1 11 -1 5 3 -1 9 -1 -1 12 6
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
4 -1 2 -1 10 7 -1 -1 -1 3 5 11 -1 9 -1 6 4 -1 12 2 7 -1 10 -1 -1 -1 3 5 -1 6 -1 11 4 9 -1 2 7 12 -1 -1 10 -1 -1 3 5 6 -1 -1 4 9 -1 2 11 12 7 -1 -1 10 -1 3 -1 5 6 -1 4 -1 -1 2 9 12 -1 7 -1 11 -1 10 5 -1 6 -1
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
4 -1 2 -1 9 -1 7 -1 -1 12 5 11 -1 10 -1 4 -1 2 -1 9 -1 7 -1 -1 -1 11 -1 5 4 10 -1 2 -1 -1 9 -1 7 -1 -1 -1 4 5 10 -1 11 2 7 -1 -1 9
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o f o o o f f f o f f h o o f